
Baptisms (christenings) at St Mary’s 

Holy Baptism occur on Sunday Morning at our 10am Parish Eucharist

Father Stephen says:


Before the Baptism

All parents with their children, especially the child to be baptised, attended a Sunday morning Eucharist 10am, prior to the Baptism to be part of the worshiping family, after the service please introduce yourself to the Rector and complete the Baptism application form.

Meeting before the Baptism allows the Rector to get to know the families, especially the child to be Baptised and to also discuss what it means to be part of God's family.


It is advised to email Father Stephen in advance of the Sunday you wish to attend, to ensure he is not meeting other families. The first Sunday of the month is a family service and would be a very good service to attend as a family. 


Baptism Canons in the Church of England

Holy Baptism on Sundays at public worship, when the most number of people come together, that the congregation there present may witness the receiving of them that be newly baptized into Christ’s Church, and be put in remembrance of their own profession made to God in their baptism.


Of the baptism of infants

1. Due notice, normally of at least a week, shall be given before a child is brought to the church to be baptized.

2. The minister shall instruct the parents or guardians of an infant to be admitted to Holy Baptism that the same responsibilities rest on them as are in the service of Holy Baptism required of the godparents.

3. A minister who intends to baptize any infant whose parents are residing outside the boundaries of his cure, unless the names of such persons or of one of them be on the church electoral roll of the same, shall not proceed to the baptism without having sought the good will of the minister of the parish in which such parents reside.

4. The minister of every parish shall warn the people that without grave cause and necessity they should not have their children baptized privately in their houses.


Of godparents and sponsors

1. For every child to be baptized there shall be not fewer than three godparents, of whom at least two shall be of the same sex as the child and of whom at least one shall be of the opposite sex; save that, when three cannot conveniently be had, one godfather and godmother shall suffice. Parents may be godparents for their own children provided that the child have at least one other godparent.

2. The godparents shall be persons who will faithfully fulfil their responsibilities both by their care for the children committed to their charge and by the example of their own godly living.

3. No person shall be admitted to be a godparent who has not been baptized and confirmed. Nevertheless the minister shall have power to dispense with the requirement of confirmation.


Adults wishing to be Baptised shall also be Confirmed.

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