Where not given, the code for calls from other exchanges is (01798)
Rector: Fr Stephen Merriman SSC Tel: 669207 Email:rector.westchiltington@outlook.com
Assistant Priest: Fr Russell Dewhurst Tel: 07984457798
Lay Reader: Jim Latter
Churchwardens: Patrick Higham and Cosmo Goldsmith - Patrick Tel: 812518 or Cosmo Email:cosmo.goldsmith@outlook.com
Church Administrator: Jane Hodgson Tel: 815496 Email: StMarys.westchiltington@outlook.com
Verger: Clive Cole FCCA
Safeguarding Officer: Pam Wells Tel: 813131
Organist and Director of Music: Vacant
Sacristans: Vanessa Llambias and Penny Wilson
PCC Members: Diane Bennett, Brenda Bull, Clive Cole, Peter Evans, Jim Jarvie, Pam Wells.
PCC Secretary: Maria Redford
PCC Treasurer: Brenda Bull
Deanery Synod: Ann Chapman, Vanessa Llambias, Phil Race
Church Fabric: Dr Norman Boyland
Stewardship: Clive Cole FCCA
Electoral Roll: Peter Evans
Health and Safety: Rob
Church Hall: Vacant
Church Flowers: Brenda Bull
Mothers’ Union: Sally Boyland
St Mary’s Magazine Editor: Maria Radford Email: mariaradford5757@gmail.com
St Mary’s Magazine Advertising: Brenda Bull
St Mary’s Magazine Distribution: Clive Cole