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For Centuries our Church has served the village of West Chiltington, within the Chichester Diocese. We are at the very heart of the village, taking God’s Love and Grace to all who live, work and visit our village.
2025 is the Year of Faith in the Diocese of Chichester follow the link below for details of all the exciting events planned.
Celebrating Faith – Chichester Diocese 2025 Year of Faith
Whether you are looking to join the church family or be part of our Village outreach, we welcome you.
Please follow the above Tabs to guide you through our website, especially 2025 Year of Faith.
We take Safeguarding of all God's Children seriously, You will feel welcome and safe.
The Rector welcomes Dogs to visit the Church.
The Church is Open Daily
8am - 4:45pm*
*Times may change at short notice due to parochial or diocesan events.(Tuesday times may vary)
Please contact Fr Stephen directly for all pastoral needs either for yourself, your family or friend.
01798 669207
You'll Never Walk Alone.
Father Stephen
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8am 1662 BCP Eucharist
10am Sung Eucharist
Solemnities, Feast Days and
Holy Days of Obligation
services are advertised in church or below
ASH WEDNESDAY with Imposition of Ashes 10am
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The Sacrament of Confession is avaliable
by appointment with the Rector
Home Communion is avaliable upon request
Visit the Worship page for daily services.
Midweek Holy Eucharist
Monday 8:30am (except 1st Monday) - Prayer intention: The Church
10:30am Kensington Close (1st Monday of the month)
Wednesday 10am - Prayer intention: The Village
Thursday 8:30am - Prayer intention: The World
Friday 8:30am - Prayer intention: The Sick and Departed
Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament
Wednesday 9:30am
Office of Readings and Morning Prayer
Sunday 7:15am
Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 8:00am
Wednesday 9:15am
Evening Prayer
Daily 4:30pm (except Tuesday)
Thursday Prayer and Pint
Join Fr Stephen for Evening Prayer at 4:30pm followed by a Pint at the Queens Head Pub
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Ash Wednesday 5th March with imposition of Ash at 10am
Lent Course based on Chichester Year of Faith
for further deatils contact Fr Stephen
Lent Lunches
Thursday 6th, 20th March and 10th April - The Church Hall, 12:30pm Soup, Bread and Cheese £5
Pilgrimage to Chichester Cathedral - Saturday 10th May 2025, 10am - 3pm
Deanery Pilgrimage to Walsingham - 20th October - 23rd October 2025
Please email Fr Stephen for further details
PARISH OF St Marys, West Chiltington
PREPARATION OF A NEW ELECTORAL ROLL - Notice is hereby given that under the Church Representation Rules a NEW Church Electoral Roll is being prepared. All previous names are removed and every person who wishes to have his or her name entered on the NEW Church Electoral Roll, is requested to apply for enrolment between 23rd February 2025 and no later than Midday 22nd March 2025. After which no new names can be added and no names removed.
Under the Church Representation Rules, a lay person is entitled to have his or her name entered on the roll, if the person –
is baptised, is aged 16 or over, and has made one of the following three declarations and duly applied for enrolment.
Application Forms for enrolment on to the New Church Electoral Roll can be obtained from the Church from Sunday 23rd February 2025. A box for completed forms will be available in Church. Please note the Church is open daily.
Electoral Roll Officer is Mr Peter Evans
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Our Lady Of Walsingham
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